Our Services_

[Insurance Fraud / Employment Activity / Interviews & Statement ]
[Stalkers & Harassment / Domestic Investigations / Missing Persons ]
[Due Diligence / Landlord & Tenant / Background Checks]
Employee Fraud
Injuries with no witnesses.
Delays in reporting injuries.
Delays in seeking medical. treatment and/or missed appointments.
Injury while off of work.
Financial stress at home.
Filing multiple claims.
Injury concurrent with the termination.
Denial of valid claims.
Late issuance of disability checks.
Misclassification of the workforce and the nature of work being done by employees.
Refusal to purchase insurance for employees.
Making examples of employees who have submitted claims.
Issuance of 'Ghost Policies' to independent contractors who are actually employees.
Background checks can be conducted for several reasons. Someone might want a background check on an individual before or right after they first start dating.
And they should - when you begin seeing someone new, the thought of a budding relationship should be your biggest concern about them, not wondering if they were lying about who they really are or about events of their past.
Backgrounds can be done for criminal, civil or domestic cases.
A criminal background check is generally included in a pre-employment or employment background check—a legal investigation into a person’s past that helps inform decisions about whether to hire, promote, contract with, or use a person’s services..
You should also conduct a background check on babysitters, nannies, or anyone else who is going to be a part of your life.
An employer may ask you for all sorts of information about your background, especially during the hiring process. For example, some employers may ask about your employment history, your education, your criminal record, your financial history, your medical history, or your use of online social media.
It’s legal for employers to ask questions about your background or to require a background check — with certain exceptions. They’re not permitted to ask you for medical information until they offer you a job, and they’re not allowed to ask for your genetic information, including your family medical history, except in limited circumstances.
When an employer asks about your background, they must treat you the same as anyone else, regardless of your race, national origin, color, sex, religion, disability, genetic information (including family medical history), or age. An employer isn’t allowed to ask for extra background information because you are of a certain race or ethnicity.
What Private Investigators
can't do!
• Operate without a license
• Impersonate law enforcement.
• Break the law / Participate in unethical practices.
• Tamper with mail/ break the law
• Hack into a social media or
e-mail account.
• Hack a cell phone/wiretap a phone without consent.
• Run a license plate without reason.
• Obtain protected information without consent or legal purpose.
• Obtain cell phone records without a warrant or subpoena.
• Present false testimony in court or legislative hearing.
• Torture or any kind of physical,
mental abuse or murder.
We No Longer Conduct Surveillance
A Private Investigator works in all kinds of cases, from missing persons to insurance fraud, theft, and vandalism, to determine if a parent is fit to have child custody or visitation rights to prove marital infidelity. It’s all about the close and detailed observation of a person, place, or thing to gather facts that can be used to build a case– whether this means watching a store that has been repeatedly burgled to see if anyone is casing it or trying to break in, or watching a person who has an insurance claim in for a leg injury to see if they miraculously get up and start running around.
In virtually every case, technology now plays a major role in getting the job done by enhancing a Pi's ability to gather and document intel that tells the story of a crime or transgression. Out on the streets, the time-tested approach to getting eyes on the subject and gathering evidence is still very much in play. The basic approach to surveillance has remained fairly static for decades – Look. Listen. Follow.
Workers' compensation fraud occurs when a claimant, employer, or health care provider knowingly lies to gain an advantage, savings, money,
or other benefits. While many believe that workers' compensation fraud solely consists of employees lying about or exaggerating their injuries, it can involve employers and employees.
Who Commits Workers’ Compensation Fraud? There are three categories of workers’ compensation fraud:
Claimant fraud (employee)
Premium fraud (employer)
Provider fraud (medical or legal)
Each form of fraud can cause varying degrees of damage, and each has its own set of “fraud warning signs.”
There are no witnesses to the incident.
The injured employee is refusing treatment or receiving conflicting diagnoses.
The injured employee waited to report the incident with no valid explanation for the delay.
The injured employee’s story is inconsistent or suspicious.
The injured employee has a history of making workers’ compensation claims.
The injured employee has a history of changing jobs or medical providers often.
The incident happened before or after a weekend, strike, or holiday.
The incident happened just before an imminent termination or expiring contract.
There is evidence of the injured employee working a side job.
Evidence shows that the employee is doing activities that would be impossible with their claimed injury.
The injured employee is hard to reach while on leave.
The injured employee immediately hired an attorney or is pushing for a quick settlement.
A cheating spouse or significant other will tend to exhibit some of the signs of infidelity listed below. Signs of a cheating husband or wife include unavailability at work, increased time away from home, unusual cell phone usage, or other infidelity signs. If more than a few of the indicators
below are present, the next step is to conduct surveillance to confirm your suspicions. There are a few key behavioral patterns to take notice of your spouse while at home.
Decreased sexual interest
Often unavailable at work
Often distracted and daydreaming
Attending more work functions alone
Using a computer alone and secretly
Clothes contain makeup or lipstick smudges
Getting their laundry done independently
A sudden increase in time away from home
Asking about your schedule more often than usual
Cell phone calls are not returned in a timely fashion
Leaving the house or going to other rooms to talk on the telephone
Mileage on the car is high when only short-distance errands are run
Clothes smell of perfume, massage oil residue, and sex
Credit card bills contain unusual gifts, travel, and restaurant charges
Gas credit cards contain uncommon locations of gas stations
Child custody and support are often disputed as they affect emotions and money. Unfortunately, children are frequently used as bargaining chips. The parent's responsibility to manage their children’s growth and development continues even though the marriage ends. The court will make child custody decisions based on the child's “best interest” if the parents can’t agree. This aspect can be the most complicated and controversial part of the case. There are many factors the court will consider when making a decision. Numerous factors help determine if you have a child custody investigation. When attempting to prove neglect, abuse or to obtain visitation rights for our clients, our investigators consider the following:
Does the parent associate with anyone the child should not be around?
Criminal Records, involvement in criminal activity past or present, or association with any criminal element.
Evidence of child abuse or neglect. Any unfounded accusations of abuse by a parent about the other parent.
Abduction or abandonment of the child or other defiance of legal process by one of the parents.
The atmospheres in the homes.
The financial standing of the parents.
The home environment of the parents.
The parent's past and current conduct.
Evidence of Alcohol or drug abuse of a parent.
Stability, lifestyle, health, and schedules of the parents.
The care and affection shown to the child by the parents.
Domestic violence or other complaints against a parent.
Ability to provide food, shelter, and education for the child.

Unexplained payments on bank statements
Having more cash on hand without accountability
Unexplained payments on bank statements
Having more cash on hand without accountability
Cell phone bills contain calls with a long duration
Having unexplained receipts or personal effects in the wallet
Credit card bills contain unusual gifts, travel, restaurant charges
Gas credit cards contain uncommon locations of gas stations

Legally, harassment involves intentional behavior. To bring charges for criminal harassment, you would have to prove that the harasser bothered you to cause you distress or that he willfully committed an act knowing that it would distress you.
For example, if you're alleging sexual harassment in the workplace, off-color jokes shared among coworkers at the water cooler may not constitute harassment unless you prove that they intentionally engaged in the conversation within your earshot. The behavior has no logical purpose but to alarm, annoy, or disturb you.
An isolated incident is not harassment – the behavior must be repetitious. If you explant a spider in your mailbox knowing you're terrified of them, he hasn't harassed you.
If he does so once or twice a week, so you live in fear of thrusting your hand inside, this is harassment. The acts don't have to be identical each time; they can be a series of different events. For example, he might plant the spider on Monday, then call you three times on Tuesday for no good reason to threaten you with more spiders or call you names.

Stalking is a pattern of behavior directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear. All 50 states have stalking laws, but statutes and definitions of stalking and related crimes vary from state to state.
The crime of stalking may comprise behaviors that, in and of themselves, are not criminal, such as making phone calls,
sending letters or gifts, and showing up in public places. Threats may be explicit or implicit or conveyed without words. Acts that appear meaningless or non-threatening to many may terrify victims.
Many victims struggle with how to respond to the stalker. Some victims try to reason with the stalker and “let them down easy” or “be nice” to get the stalker to stop the behavior. Some victims tell themselves that the behavior “isn’t that bad” or other sentiments that minimize the stalking behavior.
Other victims may confront or threaten the stalker. These methods rarely work because stalkers are encouraged by any contact with the victim, even negative interactions. Stalking is related to harassment and involves some obsessive, unwanted attention towards you. Some states consider stalking and harassment to be so closely related that one offense could morph into the other.